Videos and podcasts

Podejście do ESG zależy od zarządu firmy (Approach to ESG depends on the management; Polish only)

Różnorodne i profesjonalne rady nadzorcze (Diverse and professional supervisory boards; Polish only)

„ESG. Modne 3 literki. Czy warto się nimi przejmować?” („ESG. 3 fashionable letters. Should we bother”; Polish only)

„Niech nas usłyszą! Głos kobiet w korporacjach”(„Let them hear us! Voice of women in corporations”; Polish only)

“Udział kobiet we władzach spółek giełdowych rośnie nieznacznie” („Share of women on boards and C-suite of listed companies grows slightly”; Polish only)

Różnorodność we władzach spółek giełdowych – dziś a jutro (Diversity on boards of listed companies – now and in future; Polish only)

POWER TALK: Siła różnorodności. Dlaczego usługi finansowe potrzebują „kobiecej ręki”? (Why financial services need a women’s hand?; Polish only)

Career in finance (Kariera w finansach; English only)

Dobre Praktyki Spółek Giełdowych 2021 (Best Practice of WSE listed companies 2021; Polish only)

Jak być niezależnym członkiem rad nadzorczych i nie zwariować (How to be an independent supervisory board member and remain sane; Polish only)

Advisory services

We help companies build value for stakeholders by supporting them in decision making and communication of those decisions.

Support in taking decisions that build value for stakeholders.
Organic versus acquisitive growth. Equity versus debt financing.
Corporate strategy and valuation.

Support in relations with shareholders.
Perception studies, Investors’ Days, quarterly presentations.
Dividend and buy-back policies. Creation and valuation of stock option programmes.

Building of financial models and valuation of companies.
Streamlining of the reporting process, creation of controlling and managerial accounting sheets.