
Biznes i prawa człowieka. Nowe wyzwania i nowe działania (Business and human rights. New challenges and new actions)

Our CEO is one of the experts on human rights cited in the report prepared by United Nations Global Compact Network Poland.

Różnorodność władz WIG20 I mWIG40 na koniec 2023 (Board diversity on WIG20 and mWIG40 companies at the end of 2023)

Our CEO is one of the co-authors of a unique report on diversity by gender, age and type and level of education of management and supervisory board members of WIG20 and mWIG40 companies at the end of 2023.

Cele ESG w wynagrodzeniach członków i członkiń zarządów / ESG targets in management board remuneration

Our CEO is a co-author of an article “Role of supervisory board in setting and monitoring ESG targets” for a Chapter Zero publication.

Udział kobiet we władzach WIG140 na koniec 2023 / Share of women on boards and C-suite of WIG140 companies end-2023

Our CEO was a co-author of a report summarising share of women on boards and C-suite of 140 largest WSE-listed companies at the end of 2023.

Biznes i prawa człowieka. Razem dla zrównoważonego rozwoju (Business and human rights. Together for sustainable development)

Our CEO is one of the experts on human rights cited in the report prepared by United Nations Global Compact Network Poland.

Różnorodność władz WIG20 na koniec 2022/ Diversity on boards of WIG20 companies

Our CEO is one of the co-authors of a unique report on diversity by gender, age and type and level of education of management and supervisory board members of WIG20 companies at the end of 2022.

„Niech nas usłyszą! Głos kobiet w korporacjach”/ „Let them hear us! Voice of women in corporations”

Our CEO was one of the authors of a unique research report diagnosing the true reasons why women are a minority on boards and C-suite of the largest listed Polish companies.

Biznes i prawa człowieka/ Business and human rights

Our CEO is one of the experts on human rights cited in the report prepared by United Nations Global Compact Network Poland.

Siła kobiet. Jak wspierać dobrostan kobiet w organizacji. / Women power. How to support wellbeing of women in the organization.

Our CEO is one of the experts cited in a comprehensive report on women wellbeing in organisations. The report focuses on such phenomena as glass ceiling, sticky floor or glass clif.

Zrównoważony rynek modowy / Sustainable fashion

Our CEO was a co-author of the report on sustainable fashion which summarises the key actions companies from textile industry should take to meet the upcoming EU sector requirements.

ESG 12on12

ESG 12on12 bases on the success of the 12on12 project and aims to present women and men who engage their time and resources to promote ESG, i.e. environmental, social and governance criteria. One story in 12 questions will be presented each month.

Różnorodność w radach nadzorczych 2021/ Diversity on boards 2021

Our CEO was a co-writer of 30% Club Poland Investor Group report diagnosing the reasons behind low representation of women on supervisory boards in Poland.

Trendbook Future of Fashion

Our CEO participated in the Future of Fashion Trenbook project by Lazarski University, outlining, among others, the key sustainability related trends in the fashion industry.

ESG survey

On behalf of CFA Society Poland and Polish Association of Independent Non-Executive Directors our CEO co-created a comprehensive ESG survey conducted among Polish listed companies, supervisory board members and institutional investors.


The aim of the project is to present women from a broad area of finance in Poland who can be role models for girls and women and whose stories could inspire and support others. One story told in 12 questions each month.

Women on boards and company performance

Our CEO is one of the co-authors of CFA Society Poland report analysing the share of women on boards in Poland over the last decade and company performance.

Corporate governance survey

On behalf of CFA Society Poland our CEO prepared a survey on corporate governance in Poland.

You can read the results under the link below (Polish only):

Board remuneration survey

We have conducted a survey among participants of Polish capital market on how managements of stock-listed companies should be remunerated.

You can read the results in the presentation below (only in Polish).

Advisory services

We help companies build value for stakeholders by supporting them in decision making and communication of those decisions.

Support in taking decisions that build value for stakeholders.
Organic versus acquisitive growth. Equity versus debt financing.
Corporate strategy and valuation.

Support in relations with shareholders.
Perception studies, Investors’ Days, quarterly presentations.
Dividend and buy-back policies. Creation and valuation of stock option programmes.

Building of financial models and valuation of companies.
Streamlining of the reporting process, creation of controlling and managerial accounting sheets.